Affiliate Marketing On Steroids!

ClickFunnels affiliate marketing is something a lot of people in the online marketing field may have heard about but don't know exactly what ClickFunnels does, or for that matter, what a funnel is. So, read all about it...

Confused About Clickfunnels Affiliate Marketing? Learn About it Here.

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ClickFunnels is a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) online software program that lets you design and build websites, most notably sales and marketing funnels.

Funnels are a series of web pages designed to guide your customers through certain action steps that lead them to the purchase of a good or a service. For entrepreneurs engaged in online sales, ClickFunnels is an essential tool due to its efficiency and flexibility.

And the good news is, you don't need technical skills or knowing anything about coding or programming. You can literally design pages or sites by simply clicking on options on the pages.

ClickFunnels was created in 2014 by serial entrepreneur and renowned marketer Russell Brunson who has been unquestionably influential in popularizing the concept of sales funnels. You will see him prominently as the ClickFunnels affiliate marketing boss as well.


Sales funnels are instrumental in guiding your prospective customers down the path to actually making a purchase. They do so in three stages:

  • Stage 1 – Awareness: This is the largest part of the funnel where you’re casting a wide net. This is mainly about introducing your product or service to prospective customers rather than getting them to commit to anything.

  • Stage 2 – Engagement: This is the middle part of the funnel where your leads are warming up to you. This stage often involves offering a lead magnet (e.g.: eBook, freebie, digital download, etc.) as bait for email addresses.

  • Stage 3 – Conversion: At the bottom of the funnel your leads are expressing real interest in your product or service. Sales funnels are designed to bring them closer and closer to the buying decision.

Sales funnels also allow you to build relationships with potential customers, something that can be hard to do in the online sphere with no face-to-face contact. It’s possible to create content for each part of the funnel to warm your leads up to the idea of buying from you.


With their easy to use web application, ClickFunnels makes the process of customizing purchase ads displayed on your web page much simpler. It also gives you up-sell opportunity inside or outside ClickFunnels affiliate marketing- which means additional offers and promotions that you are marketing along with or immediately after your initial sale.

Whether you have a website that takes purchases directly, or one that runs paid ads, ClickFunnels excels at enhancing your overall sales and your customer base.

Other offers and promotions can be shown on the sales page such as accessories related to the items purchased, items on sale, flagship products, etc. This page is crucial when it comes to up-selling (i.e., sales in addition to the initial purchase), and one of ClickFunnels affiliate marketing strengths is to put this process "on steroids", so to speak.

As an affiliate member, this is exactly what you dream of when you hand over your leads to an affiliate program: high conversion rate and additional sales facilitated by the mothership’s sales team.

Important Funnel Features

The name of the game with ClickFunnels is to create leads and sales funnels to boost traffic and ensure a high conversion rate. Some of its most important features include the following:

  1. Lead magnet page: It's the first page of the sales funnel. This page is specially designed to attract visitors and capture their email addresses for further communication.

    It should be attractive and get the customers interested in the product or service offered. A sound strategy is to place a "lead magnet" on this page (a special offer, a discount, a freebie, etc.)

    To receive this, the client is to provide an email address. The trick is to offer something that will make the client see it as an added value when purchasing a wanted product or service.

  2. Application form: Application forms are important to help determine if the client is a good match for the product or service.

    ClickFunnels allows companies to customize the questions and answers. There are templates in ClickFunnels for creating the form. This is all customizable and can be very specific to the information wanted to be collected.

    Users can also develop write-in answer fields or drop-down menus for visitors to choose from. It is recommended to have a form page consisting of at least 8-10 questions.

    The answers will provide more information about what services the potential client is looking for, their goals, the type of business, etc. The information gathered will instruct what strategy to adopt and how to seal the deal with the client.

  3. Schedule page: This page calls for a calendar to accommodate companies that need to schedule meetings, on-site evaluations, shipping timetables, and generally speaking, to facilitate scheduling. Additional features like an e-mail reminder can be added.

  4. Order confirmation page: Having an order confirmation page allows the customer to feel confident that their sale went through and gives them shipping information as well as a summary of the purchase transaction.


There are a lot of tools, courses and services out there that claim to be all you need to build your own sales funnels and grow your business online. This (quite rightly) leaves many people skeptical about trying something they're not sure about.

That’s why ClickFunnels calls upon its existing happy customers to help demonstrate that it really does work for all different kinds of businesses. In fact, the ClickFunnels affiliate marketing program pays their affiliates millions of dollars in commission every year for referring new customers. Nothing beats word of mouth referrals.

When you sign up for ClickFunnels, you automatically become an affiliate. Once you try the tool and realize its benefits for yourself, you can earn more money for your business by participating in the ClickFunnels affiliate program.

ClickFunnels affiliate marketing payouts are very generous. Some examples are:  40% recurring commisions for ClickFunnels monthly accounts, or one-time 40% for the promotion of Funnel Hacks (the training that teaches how to "hack" your best competitors funnels and adopt their top moneymaking techniques).

Each of these examples can earn you hundreds of dollars in commission per shot!  The ClickFunnels affiliate marketing program's sticky cookies also track your site visitors across devices and ensure that you get paid when they convert.

Affiliates are able to easily promote ClickFunnels front-end products (e.g., free trials, webinars, etc.). And once you get them in the door, you continue to get commissions as these leads are directed further down the sales funnel and purchase more ClickFunnels affiliate marketing products.

The ClickFunnels' affiliate marketing sales team is one of the best in the industry for up-selling and converting. So, you want them working for you!

ClickFunnels is always introducing new front-end products; so, you can keep finding new options to promote products and earn even more money as a ClickFunnels affiliate marketing partaker. 

With that said, participating in the ClickFunnels affiliate program is completely optional. You’re welcome to use it and benefit from it without referring others for extra money in commissions.

Simply joining the ClickFunnels affiliate marketing community is also a great way to network online, to build relationships and connections that could turn into new business opportunities in the long run.


Online marketing has become an essential part of modern business. With internet sales being the fourth largest overall sales sector since 2019, business owners need to take an active interest in planning and establishing an online presence that encourages purchases.

This is precisely what ClickFunnels sets out to do for online entrepreneurs. ClickFunnels is a remarkable tool for online marketing. It is an easy page builder for websites and notably for sales funnels. The goal is to help business owners direct their site visitors toward making a purchase - which, of course, is the goal of any business owner.

But, unlike non-targeted websites, a funnel won’t overburden visitors with information they aren’t looking for, nor will it let them get lost in different pages and links.

Instead, the funnel will point them straight toward the information they came to the site for and guide them through the process of finding product or service information.

Then, potential buyers will be directed to purchase decisions culminating in a buying action, and check out safely and easily transaction. This has become an essential and pervasive process for any business that wants to be competitive, or any individual with a project aiming for substantial online sales.


The short answer is: everyone.

Clickfunnels works for all businesses, big and small. It doesn’t matter if you’re a budding entrepreneur with a product and a dream or an established enterprise hoping to improve your online sales. Additionally, anyone can earn good money as a ClickFunnels affiliate marketing associate. 

It also doesn’t matter how much experience you have with technology and website creation. ClickFunnels uses intuitive design and has an impressive support system in place for any level of expertise so that all you have to do is acquire their services and let them guide you through the process.

This tool is for anyone, from a small business owner selling handmade crafts to a large-scale business tycoon wanting to increase online sales. ClickFunnels affiliate marketing enables you to milk this to your advantage by making your project lucrative.


ClickFunnels is not cheap. It's a serious business tool for serious online entrepreneurs.

Note: You can become an affiliate, promote ClickFunnels and earn commissions without purchasing a high-end plan if you don't need it. It is recommended for all that it has to offer but is not compulsory.

You can start with whatever product you can afford and, with your foot in the door, become active as an affiliate, make money, and purchase other products as needed.

The cheapest plan in the ClickFunnels affiliate marketing program is $97 a month. On this plan, you get access to all the funnel creation tools, but you are restricted to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20,000 visitors.

You also will not get access to the built-in email service provider, Actionetics, or Backpack, the feature which allows you to create an affiliate program for your own business.

To get access to those, you’ll need to go with the Etison Suite plan. It includes everything, plus you get unlimited funnels, pages, and visitors. This will run you $297 a month. By choosing a yearly plan, you get a discount which is equivalent to 2 months free.

Read a step-by-step article on using ClickFunnels here.


  • Ability to set up funnel pages quickly. A complete funnel workflow is really easy to create using ClickFunnels. It’s a considerable time-saver.

  • ClickFunnels is extremely flexible allowing hassle-free edits and modifications.

  • Integrate major email and payment systems quicker.

  • Email autoresponder features with which you can boost lead gathering.

  • Tons of professionally designed templates are available.

  • You have a way to do A/B testing for every single page that is a part of your funnel.

  • Free training and ongoing weekly webinars to help you hone your craft.

  • New features constantly being added to keep ClickFunnels on the cutting-edge.

  • ClickFunnels has a first-rate affiliate program with free training. It allows you to recruit, manage, and pay affiliates. It also allows you to start making money as an affiliate immediately.

  • You can set up a full-fledged affiliate program for your own business.

  • ClickFunnels has a 14-day free-trial period so you can test it with no obligation and see if it's a good fit for your project.

  • SSL certification and protection of all transactions; payment gateways include PayPal and Stripe.

  • Ability to leverage multiple domains within your ClickFunnels setup.

  • Automated anytime webinars.

  • Membership features allow you to create membership sites offering exclusive member areas.

  • Analytics to review campaigns, funnel performance, conversions, sales, and A/B testing results.

  • If you don't want your landing pages, order forms, membership software, email systems and all other features scattered all over the place, ClickFunnels organizes them all in one place.

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